REACH Ethiopia has been awarded the CFCS round 10 grants to improve health care seeking among urban poor, patient-provider interactions, community TB service monitoring & resource allocation by implementing advocacy, communication & engaging TB affected community. This project will be implemented at community level, targeting urban poor, raising their awareness/knowledge and improve health seeking behaviour, to ensure social sustainability at individual and community level.
In line with this, Challenge Facility for Civil Society Round: 10 project Introduction and Assessment Finding Dissemination Workshop was organized by REACH Ethiopia in collaboration with Addis Ababa City administration Health Bureau. To ensure the presence of all stakeholders the workshop was held in two roundson April 1&4, 2022 at IVY Hotel, Bishoftu, Ethiopia
The objective of the workshop was to familiarize staff of REACH Ethiopia and partners (Region Health Bureau and four civil society Organizations) with project scope, purpose, outcome and key activities. The findings from the assessment conducted in selected Health facilities and patients on TB treatment was disseminated for the audience to give highlight on stigma status in the community. It has been successfully concluded by presentations and discussions carried out during the meeting.