
Enhancing TB Diagnosis: Capacity Building Training for Laboratory Professionals

A five-day training session on the GeneXpert MTB/RIF, MTB/XDR, and LabXpert connectivity system was recently conducted, marking a significant milestone in strengthening the capacity of laboratory professionals for accurate tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis in Ethiopia. The session, attended by 61 laboratory professionals from hotspot regions, was organized by the USAID UrbanTB LON II Activity-SWIF TB Initiative […]

Fighting TB in Oromia Region: A New Partnership

On December 6, 2024, a significant step was taken in the fight against TB in Oromia region. REACH Ethiopia, in collaboration with the Oromia Regional Health Bureau, launched the USAID URBAN TB LON lI – SWIF TB Initiative. This initiative aims to strengthen TB prevention and control programs, improve patient access to care, accelerate case […]

New Initiative Launched to Fight TB in Sidama Region

REACH Ethiopia, in collaboration with the Sidama Regional Health Bureau, is excited to announce the launch of the USAID Urban TB LON II – SWIF TB Initiative. This ambitious program aims to significantly reduce the burden of TB in Sidama region by:• Prioritizing Patient-Centered Care: Ensuring that individuals with TB receive timely, high-quality care tailored […]

REACH Ethiopia Advocates for Enhanced Investment and Accountability in the Fight Against TB

REACH Ethiopia, represented by two senior staff, actively participated in the international meeting “Strengthening Advocacy for Enhanced Investment and Accountability: A Pathway to Ending TB in Africa” held in Lilongwe, Malawi 🇲🇼, from November 18-20, 2024.During the meeting, REACH Ethiopia shared its valuable experience with Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) and engaged in fruitful discussions on strategies […]

REACH Ethiopia Team Makes Waves at the Union World Conference on Lung Health 2024! 🌍

We’re thrilled to share that our team recently made a significant impact at the prestigious Union World Conference on Lung Health in Bali, Indonesia! This global gathering brought together leading experts to discuss the latest breakthroughs in TB research and advocacy. Our team proudly presented two groundbreaking studies that showcase innovative approaches to tackling TB […]

Alarming Rise in Tuberculosis Cases: WHO Report Highlights Urgent Need for Increased Funding and Action

The World Health Organization (WHO) released a new report unveiling a concerning trend in the global fight against tuberculosis (TB). The report reveals a significant increase in newly diagnosed cases worldwide. In 2023, an estimated 8.2 million people contracted TB – the highest number since global monitoring began in 1995. While there has been a […]

AI-Powered X-rays Revolutionize TB Care in Ethiopia

USAID’s Urban TB LON-II SWIF TB Initiative, in collaboration with the Sidama Regional Health Bureau, successfully conducted an X-ray-based TB screening campaign in Wendo-Genet Woreda, Sidama Region, from October 8 to 18, 2024. Leveraging AI-powered, ultra-portable X-ray technology, the campaign screened 1,299 individuals from Key Affected Populations (KAP) in remote, off-grid areas. Within minutes, the […]

Improving Access to TB Diagnostics in Zone-3 of Afar Region

REACH Ethiopia is making significant strides in improving TB services in Afar Region’s Zone 3. By partnering with Expertise France and the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, we’ve implemented an approach using motorbike drivers to transport TB specimens. This innovative solution addresses the challenges of limited access to diagnostic services in remote pastoralist communities. Additionally, to […]

REACH Ethiopia Secures $24M for TB Initiative

REACH Ethiopia has secured an additional $24 million as part of a modification to the USAID URBAN TB LON II Project, to implement the SWIF-TB Initiative. This flagship USAID initiative is being implemented in only two countries globally—Ethiopia and the Philippines—and is designed to address the high burden of TB within Ethiopia’s TB triangle. The […]

REACH Ethiopia grew out of a TB project that started in 2010. This project introduced an innovative community package that engaged health extension workers (HEWs) to increase TB case detection and treatment adherence.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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