REACH Ethiopia Finalized the Preparatory phase to introduce Ultra portable digital X-ray system with Artificial Intelligence to Support the TB program effort to find the missed people with TB Introduction and strengthening of use of connectivity solutions for TB Diagnostic instrument networks in Ethiopia project officially launched on August 29, 2022.

With the financial support of STOP TB Partnership REACH Ethiopia is working to introduce Ultra portable digital X-ray system with AI to assist the TB screening and Diagnose TB among Key affected population. The technology will have a significant contribution on reaching of unreached key affected population and overcoming the issues related with screening/diagnosis of TB by using X-ray. The technology will step-up the country TB by introducing X-ray with AI to the routine activity. REACH Ethiopia hasintroduced the first machine to the country and demonstrated the system application to its field team on September 05, 2022. REACH Ethiopia will use an FDR Xair machine which is one the systems that is included in GDF list and got WHO’s approval.
FDR Xair is Ultra light, compact, battery-powered and portable digital X-ray machine;it combines deep learning in its artificial intelligence (AI) technology with Fujifilm’s image processing heritage. The machine is easy to carry, handle and operate that facilitates successful diagnoses in various medical settings, serving patients with limited mobility or people living in inaccessible geographies. In near future two additional machines will be imported and used to support the TB program in Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa and Harari. REACH Ethiopia would like to thank STOP-TB partnership for financial and technical support, NTP, USAID-Ethiopia, Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau and all our partners for their technical support, directions and encouragement.
The machine has the following important features:
- Lightweight at around 3.5 kg;
- Works without a power source;
- Built-in lithium polymer battery;
- Can take 100+ images on a single charge;
- Highly durable LED light source
It can be used in various settings such us:
- Out-of-hospital settings, like patients’ home visit and nursing care;
- A place without a power source like natural disaster sites;
- where power failures are caused due to earthquakes;
- For uses in clinics and isolation wards
As explained above, on September 5, 2022, general introduction training about the machine was conducted for REACH Ethiopia Addis Ababa and Central office staff and in the near future we will deliver the service to users in selected places.