The 16th Annual TB research conference and world TB day commemoration celebration has been carried out from 21st to 24th 2022 in Hawassa, Ethiopia. Federal ministry of health state minster, national TB program officials, Regional and city administration health bureau officials, different international and national organizations working on TB , Neighbouring country TB Program representatives and Researchers working towards achieving the national TB program have been part of the event. Policymakers, higher education institutions and partner organizations have also joined the commemoration and made the event very informative and colorful.
On this annual TB research conference and world TB day commemoration, different TB projects implemented by REACH Ethiopia were introduced for conference participants through promotional materials.Active TB case finding experience of USAID Urban TB LON Project was also presented by the project technical lead. Such platforms help REACH Ethiopia to disseminate information to larger community (TB program actors and academia) and share experiences with different organizations. #The 16th Annual TB Research conference and #World TB day commemoration #March 21-24,2022@Hawassa,Ethiopia #”Invest to End TB. Save Lives.” #World TB day March24,2022# #REACH Ethiopia# #USAID Urban TB LON Project#