USAID Urban TB LON project implementation Quarter News letter, May 2022

USAID Urban TB LON project is implemented at Addis Ababa City Administration, Dire Dawa Administration and Harari Regional State: expanding its scope of support in Addis Ababa City Administration, Dire Dawa Administration and Harari Region. The support benefits more than 5,000,000 people directly or indirectly.

The underpinning strategy for this project will be business model of “demand and supply” with strong community interventions and referral and ensuring availability of quality of care at facility level. The project will leverage technical and managerial capacity of international and local partners including TB patient associations.

 Inside this issue: 

  • Tuberculosis in Prisons: Mass screening Campaign
  • The project commits to build the capacity of health facilities
  • Community TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) orientation workshop
  • TB Program management: staff capacity building
  • Basic comprehensive TB/TBHIV& DR-TB training for private health care workers
  • CSO engagement in TB prevention and care
  • The 16th Annual TRAC and World TB day commemoration
  •  Mid-year review meeting
  • Success Story         
REACH Ethiopia grew out of a TB project that started in 2010. This project introduced an innovative community package that engaged health extension workers (HEWs) to increase TB case detection and treatment adherence.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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