A five-day training on GeneXpert MTB/RIF, MTB/XDR Assay, and LabXpert Connectivity System was conducted from August 16-20, 2024. By equipping laboratory professionals with expertise in these advanced diagnostic tools, the activity has enabled them to provide more rapid and accurate TB diagnosis, particularly for drug-resistant strains. This has facilitated timely treatment initiation and improved patient outcomes.
A total of 49 dedicated laboratory professionals from Addis Ababa and Shaggar City health facilities successfully completed this vital training, organized by USAID Urban TB LON II Activity, is a key step in Ethiopia’s fight against TB.
The participants acquired essential skills to improve TB diagnosis and treatment, ensuring more accurate and efficient care for patients. Specifically, they learned to accurately record and report test results, understand the key components of the process, and correctly document results in the lab register. They also recognized the importance of maintaining accurate records.
We’re proud to support Ethiopia’s End TB Strategy and empower healthcare professionals to make a positive impact.
#EndTB #Healthcare #CapacityBuilding #LabProfessionals #USAIDEthiopia