TB Management Training: Empowering TB/HIV Officers for a Stronger Public Health Response

Effective TB management training is essential for the success of TB/HIV officers and the overall TB program. By equipping officers with the necessary knowledge and skills, we can improve patient outcomes and contribute to Ethiopia’s national end TB strategy.

To support this goal, the USAID Urban TB LON II Project, in partnership with the Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau, conducted a TB Program Management Training for Sub-city TB/HIV Officers from August 20-23, 2024. The training focused on enhancing the capacity of these officers by addressing key knowledge and skill gaps related to TB service management.

Key objectives of the training included:

  • Influencing attitudes towards TB prevention
  • Providing managerial skills
  • Enhancing understanding of national TB strategies
  • Equipping participants to monitor and evaluate programs

Upon completion, participants were expected to:

  • Apply priority interventions
  • Implement effective management practices
  • Integrate TB services
  • Conduct monitoring and evaluation
  • Coordinate with stakeholders
  • Engage in advocacy and IEC activities

By strengthening the capabilities of TB/HIV officers, we can make significant strides towards ending TB in Ethiopia.

#EndTB #TBManagement #PublicHealth #Ethiopia

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REACH Ethiopia grew out of a TB project that started in 2010. This project introduced an innovative community package that engaged health extension workers (HEWs) to increase TB case detection and treatment adherence.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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