French Embassy Team Observes TB Project in Afar Region

A team from the French Embassy in Addis Ababa conducted a field visit to Zone 3 of the Afar region to observe the activities implemented by REACH Ethiopia through funding obtained from Expertise France under the TB project titled “Reaching Vulnerable and Key Affected Populations to Improve Access to TB Care in Pastoralist Areas of Ethiopia.”

The visit began with a briefing at the REACH Ethiopia office in Awash Arba, where the team received an overview of the organization and an update on the project. During this session, experts engaged in a productive discussion about the progress made, key challenges encountered, and potential opportunities for further improvement.

Following the office-level briefing, the team visited Debele Health Center, located 100 km from the zonal town. This facility serves both the pastoralist community and individuals who come to the area for daily labor. The field visit included observations of activities conducted in both the TB clinic and laboratory services. Through the project, the facility has benefited from essential equipment, including a microscope, TB LAMP machine, laboratory table, and a solar system with an inverter to ensure reliable power for high-quality TB diagnostic testing. Additionally, the facility has received furniture for the TB clinic, regular technical support, and recording and reporting materials. Capacity-building training has also been provided to staff on various aspects of the TB program.

The field visit highlighted the significant impact of the Expertise France project in improving access to quality TB diagnostic and treatment services for hard-to-reach and underserved communities in the Afar region.

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REACH Ethiopia grew out of a TB project that started in 2010. This project introduced an innovative community package that engaged health extension workers (HEWs) to increase TB case detection and treatment adherence.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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